Школы сочи, детские сады сочи, образование сочи, очередь в детский сад, вакансии в школах сочи, медведева ольга николаевна, школьное питание, результаты егэ, единый государственный экзамен, результаты емэ, единый муниципальный экзамен
обратная связь
Гимназия  №1



Tikhonova T.E.  Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to see you here today. Welcome to the Club of International Partnership in Gymnasium #1.

The vision of our Club is to achieve each day one more step in the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning which will enable students to realize their full potential in a happy, safe and caring environment. Each year we attempt to provide exciting and stimulating learning experiences that will bring up creative tolerant all-round-humanitarian people devoted to their society.

And today we’re happy to present our guests and confer on them our special certificates. They are students from: (выдаются сертификаты об участии)

1. НОУ Школа-бизнеса

2. МОУ школа 13

3. МОУ школа 7

4. СГУТ и КД

5. Поликультурный колледж

6. Сочинский национальный парк

And now I give a word to the deputy head of the Department of FL of Gymnasium #1 Simonovoj A.V.

Simonova A.V. Dear students and teachers, dear guests! The topic we are going to discuss is the one of great importance today. It  is devoted to THE UNIVERSAL DAY OF ANIMALS’ SECURITY. We have spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Yet now we’ve discovered that our wild is under threat. Fortunately it’s not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the recourses and the technology to prepare the way for a better, cleaner and safer future. We can plant trees and adopt animals, we can create parks for endangered species of wild. Together we can safe our planet. All we need to do is open our eyes and act immediately. We hope the conference we’re holding will inspire your creativity and develop a personal awareness and responsibility for our planet.

Larissa. Ecology is a very popular word today, but what does it mean? E. is a science which studies the relationships between all forms of life on our planet with its environment. The word came from the Greek ‘oikos’ which means home. The idea of home includes the whole planet of ours, its population, the nature, animals, birds, insects, all living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet.

LenaOur health and life, the life of animals and wild around us depends on the E, and if we want our children to live in the same dangerous world we live in, or in the better and healthier world, we must learn to protect our nature, our water, the air and the earth from pollution.

Larissa. Every year the students of our school take active measures to solve the problems arising from man’s careless attitude to E. We try to do our best to help our town. Some progress has been made in this direction. We clean the territory of our school and the nearby territories; we take care of gardens and plant trees. We also take part in ecological programmes of Sochi, join environment protection agencies, try to involve more people into our Ecological movement.

Lena. Today we’re holding the conference to discuss problems which are of extreme urgency for or native town. We should be able to use the E. carefully and protect it from damage caused by man’s careless attitude towards nature.

Larissa. The time has come to start understanding the value of animals around us, wake up to the problems of wild and start repairing the damage.

PRESENTATIONS OF PROJECTS (все называют себя сами и объявляют проблему исследования).

1)    Кириллова Ира; Мартынова Камилла (9а)“Endangered Animals

2)    Рысина Настя (9а) “The Creation of Original Dog’s Louse in Sochi”

3)    Токарева Алиса   (СГУТ и КД)“Pros and Cons of Animal Testing in Medical Research”

4)    Пруидзе Елена (СГУТ и КД)“Animals and Genetically Engineered Food”

5)    Калюжный Сергей (11б)  “Poisonous Plants”

6)    Феоктистов Влад (10б) “Business Plan on exotic Nursery Crreation in Sochi”

7)    Выступление 7 школы.

Larissa. To crown it all we can consider that all the living beings make our life more fulfilling. Let’s get together and attempt to safe the wonderful world we live in. we hope that our partnership will give us positive results and we’ll do some practically useful things to save the E. and animals particularly.

Lena. Thanks for your attention. We are looking forward to our future partnership and hope to see you soon again.



Отчет о проведении мероприятия

Тип мероприятия: конференция

Название:Lets Save the Wild Together” в рамках проведения Международного дня защиты животных.

Датапроведения: 10.10.2009

Категория участников: ученики МОУ гимназии №1

                                           Ученики СОШ №13

                                           Ученики СОШ №7

                                           НОУ «Школа бизнеса»

                                           Студенты Поликультурный Колледж

                                           Студенты СГУТиКД

                                            Смирнова П.О., методист

Количество участников: 62

Ответственный за мероприятие: Тихонова Т.Е., учитель англ.яз.

Учреждение: МОУ гимназия №1(ул. Юных Ленинцев 5/1 г.Сочи)

Контактный телефон: 8-918-4002449



Мероприятие обеспечивает интеллектуальное, нравственное, эстетическое развитие учащихся путем вовлечения их в разнообразную творческую деятельность, которая способствует не только совершенствованию ИЯ, но и помогает приобрести жизненный опыт и научиться работать в команде и добиваться поставленной цели.

Мы считаем проблему экологии одной из самых важных на сегодняшний день и стараемся принести любую пользу родному городу, работая в этом направлении.

 Были разработаны проекты по экологии, и на английском языке в частности, осуществлялось, участвуем в экологических акциях города, организована конференция под девизом «Спасем природу вместе».

Темы разрабатываемых проектов очень актуальны, так как они направлены на улучшение экологического состояния города, помогают решать проблемы бездомных животных, спасения редких растений.

Задачи мероприятия:

1)    Привить уважение к окружающей среде, повысить мотивацию молодого поколения г. Сочи к развитию здоровой окружающей среды перед Олимпийскими играми 2014;

2)    Создание и презентация индивидуальных научных проектов по теме: «Экология и защита окружающей среды»;

3)    Организовать партнерские отношения между учениками различных учебных учреждений г. Сочи

4)    Заключить партнерские отношения с Сочинским национальным парком.

Ожидаемые результаты:

1) Заключение партнерских отношений между учениками различных учебных учреждений г. Сочи

2) Обмен опытом в научно – практической исследовательской деятельности с партнерами

3) совместная деятельность, направленная на защиту экологии г. Сочи в рамках партнерских отношений с Сочинским национальным парком.



Tikhonova T.E. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to see you here today. Welcome to the Club of International Partnership in Gymnasium #1.

The vision of our Club is to achieve each day one more step in the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning which will enable students to realize their full potential in a happy, safe and caring environment. Each year we attempt to provide exciting and stimulating learning experiences that will bring up creative tolerant all-round-humanitarian people devoted to their society.

And today we’re happy to present our guests and confer on them our special certificates. They are students from: (выдаются сертификаты об участии)

1. НОУ Школа-бизнеса

2. МОУ школа 13

3. МОУ школа 7

4. СГУТ и КД

5. Поликультурный колледж

6. Сочинский национальный парк

And now I give a word to the deputy head of the Department of FL of Gymnasium #1 Simonovoj A.V.

Simonova A.V. Dear students and teachers, dear guests! The topic we are going to discuss is the one of great importance today. It is devoted to THE UNIVERSAL DAY OF ANIMALS’ SECURITY. We have spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Yet now we’ve discovered that our wild is under threat. Fortunately it’s not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the recourses and the technology to prepare the way for a better, cleaner and safer future. We can plant trees and adopt animals, we can create parks for endangered species of wild. Together we can safe our planet. All we need to do is open our eyes and act immediately. We hope the conference we’re holding will inspire your creativity and develop a personal awareness and responsibility for our planet.

Larissa. Ecology is a very popular word today, but what does it mean? E. is a science which studies the relationships between all forms of life on our planet with its environment. The word came from the Greek ‘oikos’ which means home. The idea of home includes the whole planet of ours, its population, the nature, animals, birds, insects, all living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet.

LenaOur health and life, the life of animals and wild around us depends on the E, and if we want our children to live in the same dangerous world we live in, or in the better and healthier world, we must learn to protect our nature, our water, the air and the earth from pollution.

Larissa. Every year the students of our school take active measures to solve the problems arising from man’s careless attitude to E. We try to do our best to help our town. Some progress has been made in this direction. We clean the territory of our school and the nearby territories; we take care of gardens and plant trees. We also take part in ecological programmes of Sochi, join environment protection agencies, try to involve more people into our Ecological movement.

Lena. Today we’re holding the conference to discuss problems which are of extreme urgency for or native town. We should be able to use the E. carefully and protect it from damage caused by man’s careless attitude towards nature.

Larissa. The time has come to start understanding the value of animals around us, wake up to the problems of wild and start repairing the damage.

PRESENTATIONS OF PROJECTS (все называют себя сами и объявляют проблему исследования).

1)    Кириллова Ира; Мартынова Камилла (9а)“Endangered Animals

2)    Рысина Настя (9а) “The Creation of Original Dog’s Louse in Sochi”

3)    Токарева Алиса   (СГУТ и КД)“Pros and Cons of Animal Testing in Medical Research”

4)    Пруидзе Елена (СГУТ и КД)“Animals and Genetically Engineered Food”

5)    Калюжный Сергей (11б)  “Poisonous Plants”

6)    Феоктистов Влад (10б) “Business Plan on exotic Nursery Crreation in Sochi”

7)    Выступление 7 школы.


Проекты прилагаются в электронном варианте.


Larissa. To crown it all we can consider that all the living beings make our life more fulfilling. Let’s get together and attempt to safe the wonderful world we live in. we hope that our partnership will give us positive results and we’ll do some practically useful things to save the E. and animals particularly.

Lena. Thanks for your attention. We are looking forward to our future partnership and hope to see you soon again.




Объявление "День защиты животных"

Рысина Настя (9а) “The Creation of Original Dog’s Louse in Sochi” (в сокращении)

Пруидзе Елена (СГУТ и КД)“Animals and Genetically Engineered Food”(в сокращении)

Токарева Алиса (СГУТ и КД)“Pros and Cons of Animal Testing in Medical Research”


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